Coffee with Aaron
April 9th, 2024

Addressing the elephant in the room

Lindsay and I have never actually talked about our marriage since separating and the subsequent divorce. And don’t worry, I’m not going to get into the nitty gritty details here, I think that will be better to get into on a separate blog intended to cover such topics in more detail. What I want to capture here is the fact that we had the conversation.

We talked about growing up. We’ve known each other since around 1999 or so. Grew up around the same people. Lived in the same area. Our families know each other from growing up and going to school together “back in the day.”

What I wrote about regarding my lack of memory for most of my early years came up as-well. Lindsay has memory of parts of my home life when I was a teenager, memories that I don’t have. She told them to me last night and my only response was, “I don’t remember that.”

We also talked about having no regrets about anything. We came together when we did, were married, had Mozzie, and now have a relationship after the marriage ended...all of that happened for a reason, many reasons, some of which we still may not know. We both firmly believe that God is able to use the mess that humans create for good, and believe that he is doing so now with our relationship.

It was a good, honest, conversation. It has been a while since we had one of those, and so I am glad that we just leaned into the natural flow of the conversation last night and talked about what needed to be talked about.

Today is Tuesday! Have a good one! 
~ Aaron

Grateful log for Tue, 09 Apr 2024

  1. Good conversation with Lindsay.
  2. Great dinner last night.
  3. Warm enough in the sun this morning to write outside.
It was a good, honest, conversation. It has been a while since we had one of those, and so I am glad that we just leaned into the natural flow of the conversation last night and talked about what needed to be talked about.