Coffee with Aaron
March 17th, 2024

Being Capable, but Aware of my Weaknesses

Just about every new day for me on this planet I wake up with a new idea or thought. My brain very quickly determines if it is something I am capable of doing or not. If I am capable, I write out whatever it is so I make sure it is captured somewhere. If Iā€™m not capable, I still write it out but add the word ā€˜delegateā€™ to the front of end of the thought or idea. Delegate to who? Iā€™m not sure yet, but whoever that lucky person is will have a full-time job for life. I enjoy being able to do just about anything I set my mind to (being capable), but am equally thankful for knowing when to not even try (aware of my weaknesses).

Have a great day!
~ Aaron

Grateful log for Sun, 17 Mar 2024

  1. Up at 6am today, thanks to going to sleep when I was tired last night and Mozzie tapping me awake this morning before my 6:30 alarm.Ā 
    2. Being capableā€¦
    3. ā€¦but aware of my weaknesses