Coffee with Aaron
February 24th, 2024

Grateful log for Sat, 24 Feb 2024

  1. List is coming together for the furniture to build, first up is a new workbench.
  2. Fresh haircut yesterday.
  3. Feeling comfortable (slowly and again) to share what I am excited about.

List is coming together for the furniture to build, first up is a new workbench.

Where my handcrafts journey began, and the workbench that was one of my first builds. I plan to replicate this bench entirely for assisting with the furniture, as it is currently being used entirely for my leather work.
Where my handcrafts journey began, and the workbench that was one of my first builds. I plan to replicate this bench entirely for assisting with the furniture, as it is currently being used entirely for my leather work.

I’ll be moving out of my studio apartment and into a townhouse in 84 days, not that I’m counting. Part of this move for me is moving beyond what I have been living with, as far as life experience is concerned, and moving into what is next, the next chapter, if you will. For me that means starting over again with a lot of things, furniture being one of them since they hold so many of the memories. The limited amount of furniture I do have in my studio represents a very difficult time of life and are not something I want to carry with me into what is next. My plan is to make everything for the new home, starting with bedroom furniture (Mozzie's first, as he's been sleeping on an IKEA couch (one that becomes a "bed") when he is with me each weekend for the past three years). But, before I can do that I need to make another workbench as my original woodworking bench was taken over by leatherwork. Hoping to start and finish the new bench this coming week.

Feeling comfortable (slowly and again) to share what I am excited about.

Mozzie and I, back in 2019.
Mozzie and I, back in 2019.

Prior to the divorce, when living in the in-between of the end but not knowing it, the things that I shared would be used against me, a bit of a manipulation to control me. And so, to protect myself, I clammed up. Stopped talking. Stopped sharing. Stopped showing emotion. Never wanted to “open up” for fear of being vulnerable to someone else and being hurt as a result. Easily 5 years of this has developed as a very hard callus around my heart, personality, emotions, etc. I am not who I am and am very aware of this, it is something I am working on and likely need to take more seriously in the near future via a therapist of sorts to drill into all sorts of uncomfortable history…but, that aside, I am beginning to feel comfortable again with sharing things in my life that I am excited about. This is a step in the right direction, and feels like a bit of a small victory in moving past the past.

Have a great day! 
~ Aaron