Coffee with Aaron
February 22nd, 2024

Grateful Log for Thu, 22 Feb 2024

  1. Very restful sleep.
  2. Cleaned my desk yesterday, removing dust and clutter.
  3. A good evening with Mozzie.

Very Restful Sleep 

I go in spurts with my sleep schedule, mostly dictated by how creative my mind wants to be in the evening. Sometimes that is when I am most creative and so I seize the moment and get everything out of my head and worked on in the real world. That can mean long nights of writing, drawing new designs, sitting at my computer, or whatever is needed to get all of the creative stuff out. I am always paranoid of missing an opportunity or losing that spark of an idea. So, some nights are later than others, not ideal, but some nights are more “normal” and I go to bed at a decent time (before midnight) and get up around 6 or so in the morning. Last night was one of those nights, in bed to sleep around 11:15, up at 6 ready to take on the day!

Cleaned by Desk Yesterday 

As my days have become increasingly busier and busier (something I constantly battle) it seems inevitable that my work and living space (which are currently the same space) become cluttered with life. Piles piling. Dust developing. Not ideal. Yesterday, before sitting down to write, in a slight fit of rage, I removed everything off of my desk. Dusted. And then only put back the essentials. Everything else needs to find another home (a project for later, hopefully this weekend).

A Good Evening with Mozzie 

Mozzie and I were supposed to go to church last night but I made the game day decision to skip. Work has been interesting this week and I was not in the proper headspace for, if I may, being around church people. Not a loaded statement, but I have been in a church for my entire life, both of my parents worked at a church when I was growing up, planted a church, pastored a church, etc. And so now, as an adult, when I need a break from it all I take it. And I’m glad I did last night. Mozzie and I ran around the back yard shooting nerf guns at each other, ate pizza, read Calvin and Hobbs to each other, and watched a documentary about 9/11 (a recent interest of his…a bit chilling for me to watch, I remember that day very clearly). He had questions about 9/11 and I enjoyed being able to talk with him about it. A great time together.

Have an absolutely phenomenal day ahead! 
~ Aaron