Coffee with Aaron
April 17th, 2024


Part of me is a nomad, maybe a large part of me. I struggle to stay in one place for too long, I like to move around, see new things, allow spontaneity to guide me.

Back in the day, before 2020, before work from home became the new norm, before I left my full-time corporate job, I worked in a large office building in the city.

My morning routine was to wake up at 4:30 and get in a lot of personal life before leaving at 8. I’d park in the 5th Street parking garage and walk into the office, passing behind the Pennsylvania State Capitol Building. I’d take the elevator up to the 5th floor with a bunch of other people packed in, badge into the floor from the lobby, and head to my desk. I’d walk past colleagues, say hello, stop for a quick chat, and eventually get to my desk by 9. Once there I’d unpack my bag, do a quick email check, then grab my coffee and start to make my rounds.

Check in first with my manager, then go around to each of the developers working on our various projects. Then check in with the other team leads, see if anyone needed anything from me, then go up to the 6th, 7th, and 8th floors to chat with a few of our power users and SMEs. I avoided meetings crowding my schedule by doing this instead. Quick chats accomplished a lot.

Then, around 10:30 or so, back to my desk, grab my laptop, and head downstairs to the ground floor where there was a co-working type space that had floor to ceiling windows, ample surface space to sit or stand for working, and was quiet. Or I’d head across the street to the coffee shop. Or up to the 7th floor where there is a walkway with various tables and chairs. Or the 1st floor outside of Hearing Room 1 where there are more tables and chairs and floor to ceiling windows looking out at the North Office Building of the Capitol Building. Or outside if the weather was nice, where I could tether to my phone for the necessary internet connection and do what I needed to while sitting in the sun or under a tree. I’d be in whatever space I chose for a few hours before heading back in, making a second set of rounds, and then landing at my desk by 4pm or so where I’d be available until 5.

The point being that I need that  movement...and speaking of which, I need to get moving now, rain seems to be rolling in shortly and I’d like to get back to my apartment before I get wet. I’ll finish this up there.

Away - 9:44 AM
Back - 10:08 AM

When work from home kicked in full-time in 2020 I struggled to adjust, only recently realizing this. Staying home meant being trapped, or feeling trapped, and I require movement. 2020 and 2021 meant having to stay in one place. Being able to do what I need to do from anywhere is important to me and I lost that and then forgot about it. Forgot how important it is to my psyche.

This movement requirement is evident in other areas of me as-well. I thrive on change. I also move very quickly from one thing to the next, big or small. This trait has many cons but many pros.

ready to write - park bench at City Island in Harrisburg Pennsylvania
ready to write - park bench at City Island in Harrisburg Pennsylvania

I did most of this writing while at a park bench across the river from where I live (photo above). Why didn’t I think of this before? I packed a bag with my notebooks, MacBook Air, thermos of coffee, and food. Then walked across the Walnut Street Bridge to City Island, where there is a great view of the city and the wonderful sounds of nature. I expect this type of thing to become a regular for me for final stretch of my days living here, except instead of walking I’ll take my bike. Once I move I'll find a new place to head to.

Welcome to my brain, all of that felt random but there it is.

Today is Wednesday and I hope you have an awesome day!
~ Aaron

P.S. the rain arrived 20 minutes after I got back :-)

Grateful log for Wed, 17 Apr 2024 09:26:36 -0400

  1. Slept great last night, didn’t wake up once from street noise or allergies!
  2. A flexible schedule, routine, life.
  3. Walking to a place to do my morning writing routine outside.
When work from home kicked in full-time in 2020 I struggled to adjust, only recently realizing this. Staying home meant being trapped, or feeling trapped, and I require movement. 2020 and 2021 meant having to stay in one place. Being able to do what I need to do from anywhere is important to me and I lost that and then forgot about it. Forgot how important it is to my psyche.