Coffee with Aaron
April 3rd, 2024

Sitting in silence

Some mornings, when I get to the part where I write out my grateful log, I’ll just sit and think. Some mornings the list is out of reach, not visible whatsoever, and so I sit there waiting. Waiting for it to enter my mind.

I go back to yesterday, last night, work, time with family, interactions with other people, what I ate, and so on. Reviewing silently and slowly what happened the day before. What did my mind and body take in?

I have always viewed writing as a form of meditation, not sure if that is “correct” or not, but that’s what it is for me. Thoughts enter my mind as I am sitting in silence, absolute silence (or as silent as it can be living in a 2nd floor apartment across from a hospital receiving/dock area and a fairly busy street below 😆) and I do one of two things with them: I acknowledge them as they pass by but do not write about them, or I acknowledge them as they pass by and ask them to linger for a while while I write about them.

Some days the list will write itself, each item being obvious. Others, most days recently, it requires sitting and waiting for each individual item to make itself known. And I am alright with this. The silence is good. The stillness is good. The time for my mind to not feel rushed is good.

I am grateful for the silence, for the chair I sit in during this silence, for the ability to sit for as long as it takes. I am grateful for being comfortable in the momentary unknown, in the time of waiting.

Keep that umbrella handy, rain forecasted all day!

Happy Wednesday ☔️
~ Aaron

Grateful log for Wed, 03 Apr 2024

  1. 4.5 hours of uninterrupted work yesterday. Entering DEEP focus.
  2. Sitting in silence.
  3. Whatever bug Mozzie caught remained at surface level, being proactive we were able to keep it from fully settling in.
I am grateful for the silence, for the chair I sit in during this silence, for the ability to sit for as long as it takes. I am grateful for being comfortable in the momentary unknown, in the time of waiting.