Slept great on the couch
Several years ago sleeping on the couch was a bad thing. It usually meant one of two things: the proverbial “sleep on the couch” because she couldn’t stand to have me next to her in bed, or Mozzie, when he was much younger, would come between us in bed which meant, for me, I’d sleep better on the couch and so I would.
Fast-forward several years, we are now better friends than spouses, and sometimes it just makes sense for me to sleep here (at the house I used to live in, a place that they, thankfully, still call home). Last night was one of those nights. I had worked out in the garage, in my old workshop, for the afternoon, then we had dinner, then we did evening stuff as a family, and then it was time for Mozzie to head to bed. No need for him to travel with me to my apartment to just go to sleep and then travel back here after church to continue working on the workbench. No need for me to do so either. And so, I slept on the couch. And I slept great.

(It is always interesting to me just how much better I sleep here than at my apartment. It could be one of several reasons, or a combination. Things to ponder.)
I went to sleep last night grateful for the opportunity to sleep on the couch here, recognizing that this type of scenario certainly will not always be an option and so to seize the moment when I am presented with it. My next house is 2 miles away, as opposed to 12, and so it will be easier to drive the 7 minutes to sleep in my own bed. That, and I can’t assume she’ll remain single forever. Same for me, too, I guess...which is a strange idea to consider. Saving that line of thinking for another day!
Have a great day ahead!
~ Aaron
Grateful log for Sun, 10 Mar 2024
- Part of the clock movement dance we do was today, which means warmer weather is near!
- Slept great on the couch.
- Another day of woodworking.