Grateful log for Fri, 08 Mar 2024
- With Mozzie all day today
- Started on the new workbench last night
- Problems to solve
Started on the new workbench last night
I have 71 days remaining in my studio apartment. Moving out can’t come sooner. I have outgrown the 700 square feet of space, mostly being consumed by my leather business. I have no personal space, no reprieve from work. I am essentially always reminded of how behind I am and there is always a pre-requisite for something (getting into bed at night requires moving the large pieces of cardboard where I have dyed leather goods drying, as an example). I will have been in this space for 1,082 days.
Part of moving out, as I have mentioned before, is building the furniture that I want to fill the new space with (a townhome with 3 bedrooms, large living space, etc). But, the workbench that I built previously for woodworking has since been acquired by leatherwork and is no longer available for woodworking. And so a new workbench must be built! I am going to use the same design as the current workbench since I have used it already for woodworking and it worked well. Plus, it is a very simple bench to build. Last night I made my first purchase of lumber ($22 for 5 2x4s) for the new workbench and started working on the legs. My plan is to begin the main build over the weekend, maybe even finish it. The fun parts are the few mortise and tenons, and also the four dados for the legs. I am excited to get into some woodworking again!
Once the bench is complete I’ll move into building furniture for the new house, starting with pieces for Mozzie’s bedroom: a bed frame, night stands, and a dresser. My current plan is to use the two books pictured below as my guide and inspiration.
Also, I’m giving thought to starting up a separate blog to capture the progress of each furniture project.
Have a great day!
~ Aaron