Coffee with Aaron
February 26th, 2024

Grateful log for Mon, 26 Feb 2024

  1. Mozzie and Lindsay arrived safely in Florida
  2. Have Lucy for the week
  3. Sunday state of mind

Sunday State of Mind

I’ve mentioned Church before. I think I am in some type of in-between state. Growing up my involvement was 110%. Presently, my involvement is as close to zero as possible. I am known by a lot of people but only because of my last name. I drop Mozzie off to his Sunday School class downstairs and then slip into the very back row in the sanctuary. I enjoy singing and do so loudly, hopefully not too far off-key. There’s something about worshiping in this way, through song.

I’m not at this church for the preaching, lack-luster is how I would describe it. I’m there for Mozzie and for the peace. It is 60 or so minutes of being disconnected, unavailable.

During the sermon I have my Bible open to the passage and read it a few times. Then I flip open a notebook I carry on Sunday’s and write for the rest of the service. During this time is when I am given so many ideas and thoughts. I capture as many as I can in my notebook.

After each service, once Mozzie and I are back in the car, I usually sit in a trance before Mozzie asks me when we are leaving. I’m still somewhat connected to this flow of thoughts, this portal, that seems to open on a Sunday morning while I am sitting in that back row.

When I do drive I make sure to talk with Mozzie the entire way back home, otherwise I may enter the trance again and not remember driving at all. Once back, before the thoughts cease all-together with the busyness of living, I sit down at the kitchen table to write out any last words that are trickling through. There is just something about this Sunday state of mind. It is warm, comfortable, peaceful, clear, reassuring, and hopeful. A state of mind and feeling not experienced any other day of the week.

Have a great day!
~ Aaron

13 year old Lucy. I enjoy her company while she is here.