Understanding What Makes Me Tick
I mentioned yesterday that only after 19 years do I feel like my ex-wife and I are finally understanding one another. The same is beginning to feel true for myself as-well (but I’m sure this is only part of the equation to understanding oneself, which likely takes a lifetime to fully master, at which point our time is up).
All of the basics seem to be falling in to place for me. Sleep, diet, exercise, and family time. Understanding what I need to give to each so that I know I have given my best, or as close to my best as possible.
The finer details that make someone unique, an individual, are also coming into focus and make sense as far as being part of the entire pie. How I dress, how I care for my body and mind (massage and tanning fall into this for me), how I look (regularly scheduled haircuts and barber appointments), how I smell, and so on. I’m beginning to understand that, for me, each of these items play a critical role in my overall wellbeing, and so each has almost equal priority.
All of this then boils down to an identity of sorts being a bit more clear in my mind. I am who I am because of the various components being refined and implemented at certain times and places, needing to hit minimum levels to keep things balanced in my mind, which has a direct impact on my day to day living.
I guess this is to say that being human is both an interesting experience and also a very complicated one! The various things that make each one of us tick just so are important and I am thankful for now being at a time and place in my own life where I understand what these are for me.
Have a great day!
~ Aaron
Grateful log for Tue, 12 Mar 2024
- A nice birthday day
- 67 days until I move out of this apartment!!
- Temperatures are forecasted to get into the low 70’s this week.
- Understanding a bit better what makes me tick and how to maintain, as much as possible, a healthy body and mind.